Thursday, October 28, 2010

She's not

There's a scene in The Secret Life of an American Teenager that irks me. Three friends are talking, and one says she might be pregnant. The second responds that she should take a test soon "while her options are open". The third is uncomfortable and asks if the second means abortion, and says she's Catholic. The second quips "Yeah? Well [the pregnant one]'s not."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn't know "not being Catholic" justified a fatal act of violence against an innocent human being.

"You are charged with rape, assault and battery, arson, grand theft, rape, and 92 counts of first degree murder. How does the defendant plead?"
"Not guilty, Your Honor. You see, I'm not Catholic."
"Oh, well in that case..."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Quick thought

A common argument for forcing people to pay for someone else's abortion is that women do not plan on unplanned pregnancies, and thus will not buy an abortion rider.

Um, the entire POINT of insurance is to protect against things you didn't plan for, and abortion insurance is no exception.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I've been reading people saying that if the fetus does not pay rent, he or she can be evicted.

I have 2 big problems with this.

Firstly, what the hell kind of parent charges their kids rent?
Secondly, what the hell kind of a landlord physically dismembers tenants who don't pay rent?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Even my abortion is immoral.

There seems to be a statement ("The only moral abortion is my abortion.") going around the web, trying to point out the supposed hypocrisy of pro-life women.

They point out that sometimes pro-life women have abortions.
What a shocker!

These women are panicking and under severe emotional duress, so of course they aren't likely to stick to their principles.

If this proves anything, it just proves some pro-life women are hypocritical. It doesn't mention all the pro-lifers that don't get abortions.

Consider their logic:
P1. Sometimes, people that are under severe psychological duress will make selfish decisions that are not in keeping with sound logic and their moral code.
C: It's perfectly fine to strip unborn babies of their most basic human rights, and to slaughter them by the millions for the socioeconomic well-being of their parents.

That doesn't make much sense.

Okay, I recognize that this post has been reasoned, cool-headed, and multisyllabic. This is not in keeping with YotC. Sorry...


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010