Friday, February 19, 2010


I've been reading people saying that if the fetus does not pay rent, he or she can be evicted.

I have 2 big problems with this.

Firstly, what the hell kind of parent charges their kids rent?
Secondly, what the hell kind of a landlord physically dismembers tenants who don't pay rent?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Even my abortion is immoral.

There seems to be a statement ("The only moral abortion is my abortion.") going around the web, trying to point out the supposed hypocrisy of pro-life women.

They point out that sometimes pro-life women have abortions.
What a shocker!

These women are panicking and under severe emotional duress, so of course they aren't likely to stick to their principles.

If this proves anything, it just proves some pro-life women are hypocritical. It doesn't mention all the pro-lifers that don't get abortions.

Consider their logic:
P1. Sometimes, people that are under severe psychological duress will make selfish decisions that are not in keeping with sound logic and their moral code.
C: It's perfectly fine to strip unborn babies of their most basic human rights, and to slaughter them by the millions for the socioeconomic well-being of their parents.

That doesn't make much sense.

Okay, I recognize that this post has been reasoned, cool-headed, and multisyllabic. This is not in keeping with YotC. Sorry...